Domain Overview
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Get a complete analysis
- Get a full overview of a domain and its online visibility
- Analyze a domain’s growth trend over time
- See the markets where a domain has the leading representation
- Discover the topics and keywords that bring organic and paid search traffic to a domain
Compare Domains
- Save time spent on summary analysis. Compare up to five competitors within one report
- Uncover and analyze the key metrics either for a specific country or globally: organic search traffic, paid search traffic, and number of backlinks
- Choose domain type: root domain, subdomain, subfolder
Growth Report
- Save time on reporting by getting the key data on a domain’s growth trend in one place
- Evaluate a domain’s progress for organic traffic, paid traffic, and backlinks for a specific period: three months, a quarter, 6 months, a season, or 1 year
- Easily export the report to xls or csv
Compare by Countries
- Compare organic and paid performance of a domain in different countries
- See the organic share of a domain for specific markets
- Export the trends to xls or csv