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M.J. Cachon

Content Writer

MJ Cachon has a diploma in Business Studies and Senior Technical Business Management and Marketing, after completing specific training in Digital Marketing, Web Development and Web Analytics. He went through different agencies settled in Madrid, forged his career in the agency world with Relevant Traffic, became SEO Manager and managed an SEO and web analytics team. For more information, visit and connect on Twitter.


Perform a Quick SEO Audit with Semrush

How To Perform a Quick SEO Audit with Semrush

Semrush offers a wide range of functions for analyzing webpages and their performance in search engines. In this article, I am going to explain how you can perform an SEO audit with Semrush tools and identify opportunities for optimization, as well as how you can determine how your competitors are doing. For this analysis, we’ve chosen to look at the Spanish version of Samsung.
Dec 01, 2014