Local Marketing

The difference between Google Local Finder and Google Maps

Understand Google Maps, Local Finder, and everything in between

Joshua SaxonJune 14, 202410 min read
Quick Summary
  • Google Local Finder and Google Maps serve different purposes, but both are crucial for local SEO.
  • Local Pack and regular SERP are separate local result types and have unique ranking factors.
  • Semrush Local simplifies local marketing, helping businesses improve their local presence across search results.

Gone are the days of search results being a simple case of positions 1 to 10 on the first page of Google. With more specific user demands, as well as the rise of mobile device use and voice assistants, local search has evolved. From Local Finder to regular SERPs (search engine results pages), you need to understand how Google presents your business. Let’s break it down:

What’s the difference between Google Local Finder and Maps?

While Google Local Finder and Maps both aim to help users find local businesses, they serve different functions.

Google Local Finder provides the most relevant business results based on the user's search query and location. Their discovery intent is a key signal for the results, as the searcher is likely looking for a specific business around them (e.g. “hairdresser nearby”, “thai food near me”). It features an image, NAP (name, address, phone number), and average review score pulled from the web and Google Business Profile. Local Finder also shows business locations pinpointed on a map.

Google Local Finder results for car mechanics in Charleston

Google Local Finder results for car mechanics in Charleston

Access Local Finder by clicking “more places” on the Local Pack, which appears in the Google SERP. (NOTE: Local Finder works differently in the US and Europe—more on that below).

Meanwhile, Google Maps is a comprehensive mapping service that provides geographic information, navigation directions, and local business listings. It primarily focuses on helping users find locations and get directions.

Google Maps results for the same search as the Local Finder screenshot

Google Maps results for the same search as the Local Finder screenshot

Maps also allows users to view satellite images and explore areas through Street View. Like Local Finder, Maps results also include local business operating hours, photos, reviews, and contact information. Hence, Maps is also influenced immensely by a business’s Google Business Profile. Both tools are useful for finding products and services, so businesses should factor both into their local marketing strategy. 

Local expert: Semrush Local manages your Google Business Profile for optimal visibility in both Maps and Local Finder.

Local Finder vs. Local Pack and organic results

The Local Pack (also known as the 3-pack, Map Pack or Snack Pack) is a separate Google Search result type from Local Finder. The two are similar and often confused, but there are some key differences. The Local Pack appears at the top of the Google SERP when users search for local products and services. It includes a map and three business listings, providing essential information such as ratings, addresses, and operating hours.

The Google Local Pack

The Google Local Pack

Good Local Pack rankings display prominently and often receive a high click-through rate. Businesses that appear in the Local Pack benefit from increased visibility and a greater likelihood of attracting local customers. Clicking “more businesses” on the Local Pack takes users to the Local Finder. Regular organic results appear below the Local Pack. These include websites, directories, and other relevant links based on the search term.

Organic results for local car mechanics

Organic results for local car mechanics

To effectively optimize your business for Google local search it is important to understand that there are four types of local search results: 

  • Local Pack
  • Local Finder
  • Google Maps
  • Localized Organic Search Results

There is a definite overlap in ranking factors between all of these. For example, Local Pack results are very often the top 3 you will find in Local Finder. However, this is not always the case, and searches with different intentions can show different results for the top 3 in the Local Pack and Local Finder. For example, a “flower shop near me” search could display different flower shops in the Local Finder based on their hours of operation. 

A flower shop near me search in Key Biscayne, Florida shows three closed shops in the local pack

A flower shop near me search in Key Biscayne, Florida shows three closed shops in the local pack 

Upon clicking “more places” in the Local Pack, Local Finder highlighted a series of different flower shops near Key Biscayne that were open

Upon clicking “more places” in the Local Pack, Local Finder highlighted a series of different flower shops near Key Biscayne that were open 

All of these complexities mean that optimization for each local search result needs a comprehensive approach to strengthen your business's visibility and ranking. When using any search engine or tool, including Bing and Apple Maps, it is important to consider what their search algorithms assess when ranking results to ensure the optimal performance of your business. 

Mapped out: Monitor your success in Google Maps with Map Rank Tracker, which comes with Semrush Local.

How to rank in Local Finder and Google Maps

The way businesses rank in Google Maps results and Local Finder are similar. Both platforms factor in what Google itself has revealed to be the three main local SEO ranking factors:

  • Relevance: How closely a business listing matches the user’s search query
  • Proximity: The physical distance between the business and the user’s location
  • Prominence: How well-known and reputable the business is, based on reviews, citations, and online presence

To give your business the best chance of ranking well for the three factors, include the following in your local strategy:

  • Google Business Profile (GBP) optimization: Complete your profile with accurate information, including business name, address, and phone number (NAP). Also fill out your operating hours and publish high-quality images. Update any changes in your business’s essential details as soon as possible.
  • Positive reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave five-star reviews on your Google Business Profile. Respond promptly to show that you value customer feedback and engagement (you can use AI tools to help with this).
Google reviews for local car mechanics

Google reviews for local car mechanics

  • Consistent information: Maintain uniform NAP information across all online directories and listings. Inconsistent information can confuse customers and negatively impact your local rankings.
  • Local keywords: Use relevant local keywords in your business description and services to improve visibility.

To rank higher in Google Local Finder, businesses should also follow guidelines for ranking in organic search results:

  • Content quality: The relevance and usefulness of the website content to the user’s search query.
  • Backlinks: The number and quality of external sites linking to the website.
  • Keyword usage: How effectively the website uses relevant keywords in its content and metadata.
  • Website performance: Factors such as page load speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall user experience.

Local businesses should optimize for both local search result types to maximize their strategy's impact. Developing a robust Google Business Profile is a crucial step for improved rankings for each result type. 

The process of making a strong Google Business Profile includes crafting a concise, keyword-rich business description, selecting relevant categories and attributes, utilizing high-quality images, creating engaging Google Posts, showcasing featured products, managing reviews proactively, and adding helpful Q&As. Semrush Local’s free AI Google Business Description Generator tool can help you optimize your profile effectively for all these tasks quickly. 

US vs. Europe Local Finder differences

SEO experts around the world are reporting differences in how Local Finder works in the US versus European countries. In our own experiment, we found that desktop US Local Finder results display business details to the left and a map to the right.

 US Google Local Finder results on desktop

US Google Local Finder results on desktop

However, the same search conducted in Madrid essentially resulted in a longer version of the Local Pack. So in essence, Google Maps doesn’t appear in Europe for search anymore.

European Local Finder results on desktop

European Local Finder results on desktop

This is part of Google’s response to Europe’s new Digital Market Acts (DMA), which came into force in March 2024. Among other things, the legislation aims to prevent “self-preferential” results, like sending users directly to Google Maps. By keeping users on the SERP, Google doesn’t take them to another of its services as a solution. Cross-continental mobile results are more similar, although there are slight differences to how US Local Finder results look…

Mobile Local Finder Results in the US

Mobile Local Finder Results in the US

…versus Europe, which automatically gives you the long Local Pack-style results without having to click “more places.”

Mobile Local Finder Results in Europe

Mobile Local Finder Results in Europe

Another difference between US and European results is that American users see only one Local Pack at the top of the page. In Europe, there are multiple Local Packs as they continue to scroll. These secondary Local Packs don’t have the “more places” option to extend results.

A second Local Pack on a European Google SERP

A second Local Pack on a European Google SERP

Google has said that the Digital Market Acts (DMA) could negatively impact businesses who rely on local search. Oliver Bethell, director of EMEA competition at Google, said, “Changes to our Search results may send more traffic to large intermediaries and aggregators, and less traffic to direct suppliers like hotels, airlines, merchants and restaurants,” reported Search Engine Land

Check your<br /> local listings for free

Semrush Local: Your partner in Local Finder and Maps success

A good local SEO strategy takes a holistic approach to improving Local Finder, Local Pack, Maps, and organic rankings. Count on Semrush to guide you to the top of all four and attract more paying customers to your business.

Unified listing management

Accurate and consistent listings improve your chances of appearing in both Google Maps and Google Local Finder. Semrush Local simplifies the process by managing your listings for you so you can focus on other marketing tasks. The tool synchronizes information across the most authoritative business directory platforms, alerts you to errors and allows for quick directory-wide editing.

Comprehensive review management

Responding promptly and professionally to reviews can both improve your Google Local Finder rankings and foster positive customer relationships. Semrush Local features robust review management tools that help you reply to feedback across various platforms. This proactive management builds trust and enhances your brand’s online image.
Review Management’s AI review tool

In-depth Local Finder diagnostics

To improve your local SEO, it's essential to be visible on various search platforms. The Local Rankings tab in the Listing Management tool helps you track how your keywords rank in Google Local Finder for your chosen locations. It also monitors how your position changes over time compared to other local businesses.
Local Rankings data from Semrush Local

Accurate position tracking

You can’t truly understand the effectiveness of your local SEO strategy without tracking your performance. That’s why Semrush Local's Map Rank Tracker allows you to monitor rankings in Google Maps. These valuable insights help identify which keywords and locations drive the most traffic to your business.
Semrush’s Map Rank Tracker
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