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7 Day Free Trial… No Obligation, Cancel Anytime
The SEMrush Keyword Magic tool supports more than 118 databases and over 18.9 billion keywords in total... Simply enter a "seed keyword" to get a massive list of suggested, related keywords, organized in 3 levels for easy navigation and sorting.
Use filters to sort question-based keywords, and organize keywords by word count, search volume, keyword difficulty, CPC, competitive density, and a number of other factors...
Create specific lists and export them for laser-focused Content Marketing and SEO initiatives, and more effective paid Search and Social campaigns!
7 Day Free Trial… No Obligation, Cancel Anytime
See any keyword’s volume,
number of results, CPC,
competition level, trend,
and more
Get a deeper analysis of up to 1,000 keywords at a time, refresh their metrics in real time, and see changes in SERP Features or top competitors for a keyword
Compare the keyword profiles of up to five competitors. Discover keyword overlap, common keywords shared by all sites, and other opportunities to craft ultra-effective campaigns!