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Amel Mehenaoui

Content Writer

Amel Mehenaoui is a Digital Marketing Strategist who is passionate about SEO and Web Analytics. She is keen on extracting actionable insights from web data to improve websites‘ and campaigns’ performance. Her passion is to share her expert tips and advice about digital marketing on her SEO blog, which is dedicated to helping small business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals expend their knowledge of web marketing to grow their profits and expertise. Follow her on Twitter.


7 Easy Steps To Create a Web Analytics Framework

7 Easy Steps To Create a Web Analytics Framework and Improve Your Marketing

Amel will join Semrush on March 4 for a free webinar, “How to Increase Your Website Revenue Using a Data-Driven SEO Campaign.“ Learn more about the webinar after the jump! “Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.” — H.
Feb 26, 2015
7 Best Practices for Top Ranking

HTTP to HTTPS: 7 Best Practices for Top Ranking

Google has a global goal to secure the web. While a noble goal, it requires website owners to become more tech-savvy and invest more in securing their websites. Secure search means Google will give more ranking authority to content and ecommerce websites that have an SSL/TLS certificate.
Dec 03, 2014