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Elizaveta Shutova

Head of Marketing SEMrush Traffic Jet AT SEMrush

Elizaveta is the Head of Marketing at SEMrush Traffic Jet. She has over five years' experience in IT helping international companies generate more traffic, leads, and sales from various channels. She is passionate about SEO, PPC, Social Media, and Neuromarketing. When not optimizing everything around her, she loves to play tennis, practice yoga, and snowboarding.


Top Paying AdSense Keywords

Top Paying AdSense Keywords and Best Adsense Niches for 2020

If you are using AdSense placements on your site in order to monetize it, then it makes sense that you want the biggest payoff possible. We used Semrush’s CPC Map tool to take a close look at the top paying ad niches and keywords so you can be strategic about which niches you write in and what keywords you are optimizing for. Not all ads will pay equally.
Nov 21, 2019
Advertising Stats

Display Advertising Stats: Semrush Study

Semrush has conducted the first display advertising study for ecommerce businesses on the market. Research is based on over 40 million impressions from the top Google Display Network (GDN) ecommerce advertisers, and 23 million impressions from the top GDN ecommerce publishers. We have uncovered insights you need, so keep reading.
May 03, 2019
Trial Semrush banner

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