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Semrush Toolkits
Semrush Local
Semrush Local Pricing and Plans

Semrush Local Pricing and Plans

The Semrush Local tools can be added to your Semrush subscription or bought separately as a standalone option. The offering is available per location. If you have two or more locations of your business, you need to buy a limit for each location.

If you need to purchase a subscription for 20+ locations, contact the Sales team for a tailored offering.

Semrush Local offers two plans: Basic and Premium.

Basic plan ($20 monthly per location):

  • Share and manage your business information across over 150 directories worldwide. Check directories available directories by country
  • Monitor your business reputation
  • Receive notifications on negative GBP reviews 
  • Get Competitor Review Analytics (one report a month with up to five competitors)

Premium plan ($40 monthly per location)

All as Basic, plus: 

  • Option to reply to Google Business Profile reviews from the Semrush Local interface
  • Get AI-generated reply suggestions (50 generated suggestions for reviews daily per location) 
  • Automate the entire review process with AI auto-replies (30 replies per month for each Premium location)
  • Get notifications on negative GBP reviews 
  • Get Competitor Review Analytics (five reports a month with up to 10 competitors in each report)
  • Track Google Maps rankings over time (using the Map Rank Tracker tool). As a part of the Semrush Local Premium plan, you get access to one campaign and 2,500 credits (read more here)
  • Get access to the Listing Management API

If you need help or more information on pricing, please contact our support team at


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